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中国网浪潮资讯 近日,第21届日本浜松PIARA钢琴大赛举行,大赛共有500多名来自中国、香港、澳门、日本、新加坡、马来西亚等地的选手参加。中国大陆选手以18名选手参赛9个组别,斩获奖项11个。宁波选手竺进、唐晨奕荣获亲子联弹的第一名。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, the 21st Japan Hamamatsu PIARA Piano Competition was held, more than 500 contestants from China, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia participated in the contest.The Chinese mainland won 11 awards with 18 players competing in 9 groups. Zhu Jin and Tang Chenyi from Ningbo won the first prize of parent-child piano.



Hamamatsu, Japan enjoys the reputation of “Music City”, Piara is a youth group competition for the Hamamatsu International Piano Competition and enjoys a high reputation in Asia.

(翻译:中国网记者邱玉洁 实习生王思杨  综合报道  翻译 鲍梦依)

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